4-Bedroom 2-Story Modern Farmhouse with Two Laundry Rooms (Floor Plan)


  • 2,584 Sq Ft
  • 4 Beds
  • 3.5 Baths
  • 2 Stories
  • 2 Cars

Hello, beautiful souls!

Have you ever dreamed of a home that just gets the hustle and bustle of your everyday life?

Imagine a home design that’s a dream come true for those who thrive on multitasking and have a penchant for sleek, smart interiors.

Ever heard the phrase “First impressions are everything”?

Well, this 4-bedroom modern farmhouse ensures your abode is the envy of your neighborhood!

Stay Tuned: Detailed Plan Video Awaits at the End of This Content!

Its striking gable over the entry porch isn’t just a fashion statement.

It feels as if nature herself lent a helping hand to brighten the space, much like an elegant, natural chandelier.

Step inside from the majestic entrance, and you’re greeted by a vast great room.

And guess what?

There are sliding doors at the rear!

Whether you’re craving a gentle breeze on a serene Sunday or need a quick escape route when your snack-making goes awry, these doors have got your back.

They also lead to a lovely rear porch.

Whether it’s your morning espresso or an evening glass of wine, this spot promises to be your new favorite hangout.

Now, who rules the kitchen?

The 4′ by 8′ kitchen island, without a doubt! Whether you’re a whiz in the kitchen or your cooking skills stop at salad tossing.

This island makes you feel like a culinary superstar.

It’s a space where you can chop, mix, and even bust a move with ease.

And here’s the best bit: just returned from the supermarket feeling overloaded with bags?

Don’t sweat it!

The garage is just a stone’s throw away, making unloading groceries a breeze.

And with a pantry so spacious you might need directions, stocking up is a delight.

Imagine this scene: After a taxing day, all you yearn for is a soothing bath and a snug bed.

Welcome to the master suite, complete with a 5-fixture bath – yes, that’s FIVE fixtures!

It’s practically your own private spa.

Slide open those doors, and you’re on the rear porch.

Is it time for some stargazing?

Or maybe you need a clever backup when you’ve left your keys behind.

Plus, there’s a walk-in closet so roomy, your wardrobe could live in luxury.

Venture upstairs to discover a loft so adaptable, merely calling it a “loft” doesn’t do it justice.

It’s an ideal spot for a home theater, an artist’s retreat, or just a cozy nap haven.

And now, the moment you’ve been waiting for… Not one, but TWO laundry rooms.

Yes, really!

One on each floor for maximum convenience.

Because, let’s face it, no one enjoys dragging a heavy load of laundry up and down stairs.

Let the young ones tackle their own laundry mountain upstairs.

While you enjoy a peaceful moment with your laundry downstairs, wine in hand, pondering the mysteries of life.

This modern farmhouse isn’t just a place to live; it’s a bold declaration!

It proudly announces, “I’m fashionable, intelligent, and I fully grasp that laundry should never be an aerobic exercise!”

So, if you’re on the lookout for a home that marries elegance, flair, and practicality, this could be the architectural masterpiece you’ve been longing for!

Here’s to living in style and saying goodbye to laundry-induced workouts forever!

Plan 14677RK

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